In 2019, America On Track staff conducted 5,597 PE Classes, Nutrition Education classes, Presentations, Resource Booths, Health Fairs, Leadership Sessions, Merchant Trainings, and Special Events, across our 5 core programs
Including duplicated individuals receiving ongoing presentations, classes and trainings, AOT served 259,452 youth and adults.
America On Track has a long-standing commitment to evidence-based practice including the use of formative evaluation as a means of informing program decisions and improvement. Since 1998, America On Track has worked with the Center for Applied Research Solutions, a consulting firm with over 25 years of experience conducting local, state, and national evaluations.
America On Track’s services generated the following results & testimonials:
The following quote is from a recent College Is for Me Too! Summer Camp post survey:
“I believe that this camp experience is an amazing opportunity for us to know that someone cares, and that college is an option.”
increase in % of students who engage in 60 minutes of daily physical activity
(4,552 students across 10 schools)
of teen emerging leaders improved their leadership skills
of graduating seniors in our ELCE program have gone on to college
of children of prisoners mentees are now planning to attend college or trade schools
of children of prisoners mentees stayed active in the program for more than 12 months
of College Scholarships awarded since 2009
“Thank you for the kind words Terry, I look at Albino more like a Nephew than a Mentee. I love the program and joining it was one of the best decisions I have made.”
~ Quote from an adult mentor who has a family of his own and has been in our Brighter Futures program for almost 3 years.
Dear Terry,
Thank you so much for the support you guys have given me in raising my girls.
With a grateful heart,

Angel’s Story

“My name is Angel Lopez, and I am here to talk about my life story …and how much I love America On Track. I’m 12 years old and just started the 7th grade. This program has helped me so much!
When I was five years old my mom chose to use drugs with my dad. She even used drugs when my little brother was in her stomach… After my mom had twins we lost our home and lived in a van for two years. We were 7 of us living in the minivan in a parking lot, but we had to move the van almost every day. When I lived in a van we sometimes had to eat expired food from the trash cans.

Then two years later I met America On Track – the best program a kid could ever get.
Life is way better now, but the only sad thing is my father is in prison for a few more years. Also, I am doing really good in school and getting all A’s and B’s.
I’m here tonight because I want to let you guys know that Brighter Futures is not just a program — it is a program that can inspire kids to do things they never knew that they could do.
I believe that America On Track is our family and they will be there anytime we need them.”
Quote from a former mentee, child of a prisoner, who has become a mentor in our program and is currently in college and working:
“I myself was a mentee at America On Track growing up as a child and it was an amazing experience! I know how difficult it is growing up in poor environments and I definitely want to pay it forward.”

Sy & Joseph’s Success Story

Joseph was age 13 in 2008 when America On Track first met him. His mother was a meth addict and he was born a “meth baby”. His parents were in prison when we matched him up with Sy, a successful businessman with a wife and two sons.
Joseph was one of five children who, at that time, lived in a cramped 1-bedroom apartment with four other siblings and no adult supervision. Joseph had academic, health and social challenges, and fortunately, Sy had the willingness to take on the challenge.

Here is an update from Sy (shared after 5 years of dedication to his mentee): “Joseph is now gainfully employed at Disneyland in warehousing. He is making enough money to take care of himself.
It is good to see how things have worked out. I feel that with Disney he will get good experience, and perhaps leverage that into something else in the future. I personally don’t think that he will ever do drugs. It has been a great experience.”
In 2020, Sy shared with America On Track that Joseph is still doing great!
“America On Track has worked with our school for the past three years and everyone with whom we worked added value to our school and our community!
The staff of America On Track was always pleasant and very respectful of our time. Every school should be lucky enough to include America On Track in their fitness and nutrition program. We are grateful for all they did for our students and our staff.”
~ Principal of K-8 Catholic School